181 Somerville Ave Somerville, MA 02143 617-628-5511

About John's Auto Sales

Welcome to John’s Auto Sales! 

John's family has been selling quality used automobiles in the Somerville and Boston Metropolitan areas for over 50 years.  We pride ourselves on having the perfect car for everyone in your family from a luxury sedan for mom, SUV for dad, pick-up truck for grandpa, or a safe first car for the kids :)

Our goal is to provide lifelong clients with reliable and affordable vehicles they can really enjoy. If you do not see what you're looking for, please let us know as we are more than happy to search for that certain vehicle of your choice!

Before a vehicle is sold it is thoroughly checked for any mechanical and structural concerns by our certified mechanics.  Our clients safety is always our priority. 

We offer financing for all; those who have little or no established credit, those who are interested in building their credit, and those simply looking to trade in their old car for something new.  John works with several banks so we can find a plan for everyone :)

Here at John’s Auto Sales we guarantee the most professional, courteous and satisfying customer service you can find anywhere in the Greater Boston area.  We look forward to helping you!

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